Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Urge to Purge

No, no, no, I am not talking about bulimia or anything such. I am writing about my sudden urge to connect with other interesting women (more recently ones that have a mutual celebrity crush) and purge my everyday erratic, weird and sometimes unappreciated thoughts.

With that said, I am opening my blog to be more of message board of sorts, where I will add some weird anecdotes and possibly some pictures and comments can be unlimited, unfocused, and undilluted.

I chose the name, A Life Less Mediocre, because it suits why I love to write on the internet. I live the quinessential, California mom life and blogging allows me time to myself and a life away from the ordinary.

So, post some thoughts of your life less mediocre, what gets your gander? Mine are the Twilight series, Rob Pattinson, dreams of traveling, vegetarianism, indie films, the list goes....


Jewels64 said...

As U2 once said..."Walk away, walk away, walk away...I will follow..."

I'm hitting you up as a blog to follow.

You have a fan...are you excited?

I got one. Wait till you see the follower mark. It's fun!

Tess said...

Hey lovely girl!!

I'm not going to get anything done flipping between here and and TeamPattinson! :)

I think this solves all our problems. Thank you for being so proactive - Way to be, grab the bull by the horns, etc... can't wait to rant!! or wax poetic.

Off to dinner.. cheers for now!

Pls. Read your email.

Tess said...

Oh yeahh!! one more thing b4 I forget. Change your gender!!! (says male) before you posted your photo, I was almost wondering if I was blogging with a homosexual male :)

Lynn said...

Tess--whoops, thanks for pointing out the obvious to me (totally in my character to scan over stuff too quickly).

I have been known to be kind of a fruit fly, so, the whole conversing with a homosexual male thing seems hilarious!

Jewels64 said...

I am such a moron. I didn't realize it was a typo. Didn't mean a damn thing to me.

Hell...I used to live with two drag queens. You must have thought I was nuts. So laughing my butt off now! This is freaking hilarious.

P.S. - Not saying you look like a drag queen...just saying I'm stupid, but very liberal and very fun!

Tess said...

Love you Jules!! LAUGHING SO HARD

babbles said...

Hi Ladies, I checked out Jewels latest, Very nicely written!!!

You guys already have me laughing...

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Lynn for giving us our vent space. We are all still managing to tear up the e-mail. Wait till we start texting on cell phones.

Love my TWIMILFS! I have dedicated a folder on my e-mails just for all you wonderful sweet ladies! Let's keep up the chatter.

P.S. - I'm going to send each one of you an e-mail with text from Susan Elizabeth Phillip's book "Ain't She Sweet". I found it today. It almost describe our Rob to a T!!!! Ya'll enjoy!

Dani said...

Hey bitches! I missed ya. Had a birthday thing for a friend. So glad we can still chat and not have the worry of censorship. Jewels babe I already posted on your blog. Just to think I almost missed out on you guys for the longest time not even looking at the posts just the pictures.

So dammit I'm all over it now and won't be censored for posting my naughty thoughts about Rob or otherwise. Yay!

Oh not meaning offense I call all my friends bitches. If that bothers ya let me know. It usually only occurs when I'm super jazzed. In the heat of excitement I cannot be held accountable for anything I say or do Stephen Balwin should know this. Oh and Art from the band Everclear whom I hit with my backpack in the face when coming out of school a few years ago.

babbles said...

Dani - I am LMFAO, You kill me...

cherifire said...

Lynn-So glad Tess mentioned your gender. When I first saw it I went back and read some of your posts to see if I missed anything. Then your photo came out and I didn't feel like I was nuts! You're gorgeous and a GIRL! Yeah!

Saw Jewels message on Michelle's blog. What happened? Did one of us say something wrong? Or was it one of the butterflies that filt in and out?

cherifire said...

Oh, and my email is Please feel free to contact me.

Luv ya all!

Dani said...

I was absent when that all went down I'm guessing we were dominating the board and something triggered Michelle to do something. It was weird. But all in good fun and now we have our place of peace.

Brooke seriously get me near anyone famous and I will embarass myself. When I met Stephen Baldwin I grabbed his arm, didnt introduce myself, babbled on and then slapped his arms before saying the ever popular phrase "partying with you in Heaven" so sad. I'm a wreck around cameras video or otherwise, famous people, people in uniform or people of authority. My brain turns to poo.

babbles said...

Damn Dani - I am literally laughing my ass off over here, My husband is rolling his eyes...

i dont think the issues on Pattinson Blog really had anything specific with one person but with the comments taking to personal of a turn and with the KOL B.S. it was a given...

babbles said...

Cherifire, I am itchin to see an actual pic of you, Not sure why, Maybe because I can put a face to everyone else... And Can I just say Godze it Hot, where is she - And yes I am straight I just like pretty things -lol- hense my Love of Rob...

Dani said...

I'm glad I could entertain. This is helping I am in the doghouse for ripping my husband a new one for waking the baby. He yelled accross the house. And I'm the bad guy? Seriously killing me here this logic.

I couldnt help but be a little set off by the whole pattinson blog thing. It was weird. Makes me not want to comment. But I commented at the IMDB board about something and this chick got spk huffy that there was a thread already started about a particular topic. Seriously getting my ass handed to me over the net by a thirteen year old was not fun. I sent her a message saying " this just in you're rude" what the Hell? They just don't make em like you guys over there.

babbles said...

I am not offended by Pattinson Blog, they removed the comment review and I think the whole blog feels different without even a little of our banter... Emptyish in a way... Anyway, I'll see you all here or there...
night night

Oh and Dani, I have that same damn fight with my husband every freakin night - He is a loud mouth and since he gets morning shift he has no problem with my babies being up till midnight, It just means they sleep in longer for him - idiocy...

Lynn said...

Gurlz--I couldn't be more proud of you all and the level of proper crassness and poo can flow all you want.

I have to admit that it REALLY not be a smart ass on Pattinson Life. I watched the whole KOL thread unfold and was most disturbed by the fact that Michelle and Team Pattinson let it go on for as long as it did. I know that the muckruckers in them wanted to be delivered a whole of b.s. But, c'mon! The whole thing was total train wreck.

Well, P and Q's are not necessary now, feel free to chat.

Lynn said...

Sorry, I am not proofing and leaving off words.

I spent about two hours earlier trying to find a homecoming dress for my darling daughter. It was a bit tiring and stressful. The trend now is a rehash of the 80's with 1920's hemlines. The dress that she has chosen barely covers her behind and I am still debating whether to buy it or not.

Dani said...

Lynn you poor thing. When I was in high school my mom was Hell to shop with but I was super surprised when she let me get this Jessica McClintock number that was horribly low in the front and no back at all cutting to just above my bum. It was spicy. But I think If I had a girl there is no way! Its hard to keep up with the trends. Everything is shorter and tighter and costs twice as much. I'm sure whatever you decide she will be a vision.

Oh I got the Missy Higgins album and I love It. A little Sarah, and I think she might be a lesbian too so more in common with Sarah there with the following, but Missy is folksy and lovely. Check her out its good stuff.

Tess said...

I agree with Brooke. I visited the Rob Pattison life blog a few times (obviously) and there are far fewer posts than there usually are. I think we all ramped it up a bit and creatively expressed our admiration. Seems a bit lacking in flair today -

Seriously.. Just how descriptive is OME & HAWT! shoot me.

dani-I don't bother commenting on other blogs for the very reasons you describe on IMDB. They get way too territorial over someone they'll quite possibly never meet (OK. just had to come to terms with the possibility of never meeting Rob)
Also very OK with blunt/crass/descriptive/innuendo laced language.

I can cuss like a sailor and have been told by my NOLA friend that "Pretty girls shouldn't have ugly mouths" Can't help it. Step-dad was Irish Folk musician, spent years in every Irish bar on the east coast, and F--K was an adjective to most of Patrons. Really have to watch my mouth most of the time - slips out

Jules- Thanks for the book tip. I'm going to go buy it. PS: Reading Stephenie Meyers new one The Host - good - you guys have to read Karen Moning's DarkFever. great book.

babbles said...

It was a unique setting with the blog and commenters of our age w/out the OME!'S Which I secretly still find hysterical that his character requires its own abreviated description...

And in case I didn't previously mention it, I work at a trucking company with all foul mouthed men and me! So I may get a little out of hand, just let me know- I never take things personal so dont worry about tellin me to shut the hell up...

Tess said...

ome! I know, it's crazy.. and actually in the Urban Dictionary now (which has to be a milestone).

PS: Brooke, thanks for pointing out the bit about his hair. I misread D's post and missed that. I looked at the pics and said.. eh? his hair is beautiful. which blog did you read that on? IMDB?

I'm terrible. I don't even visit other sites lately. Michelle's is so well organized. Lastly.. Another similarity. My Grandmother has a trucking company in AZ... another added exposure to creative cussing. ;)

I miss our banter on RPL.

Jules - left a comment on you beautifully written latest entry.

babbles said...

I get allot of my info from: If it isn’t already posted on RPL. He has mentioned a few times about his hair - when asked how he gets it to look like that he replies, I just don’t wash it -lol- He is always laughing when he says this so I don’t know why people take him so serious... Clearly that head of hair is maintained... on that same blog I read a funny story regarding that 10-year-old girl that hugged Rob... I try to never comment on the other sites but I do check several out - most where mediocre to RPL.

Tess said...

I just annoyed a poster on RPL and now I feel bad. I commented back on a comment about his dilated eyes (not negatively, just an explanation) and now the poster is saying she's didn't mean it offensively, and that she's not going to Post again. I wasn't even upset when I read her post.

I'm frustrated now.

babbles said...

Tess - No Worries, I commented on her post also. I didn't think either one of us was overly defensive - The RPL blog is just a little testy these days... Give it a few to cool down I guess -lol- But it is assumptious to says he is on drugs on one of "his" fan sites, A little nervy

Lynn said...

Tess---I have been some of the (obviously) juvenile comments about Rob's dialated pupils and was more then a little disgusted at what could be construed as slander and rumor (not quite KOLer, but going that way) and you were right to make a positive comment back to that particular person.

It just really irks me when these so-called fans jump to conclusions over wide eyes and a few gaunt faces. I wanted to post more, but, kept a tight to not offend Team Pattinson. I have my theories, but, it might spread rumors (oh, no!).

Stepping off muy soapbox and off to drop the kiddies at school.

New blog is on it's way!

Lynn said...

Apologize for my typos---it's early!

Dani said...

Hello again, and morning my lovelies. Just saw the photos of Rob out with Nikki, love her. And no I don't think they are dating but she is gorgeous. I think she is with that DJ Qualls guy, interesting looking fella he is.

Back to Rob, for the love of God I read things about his eyes all the time, hot damn he is 22 and drinks. Probably a lot, he goes out all the time and has a good time with his friends, I need to stop looking at other boards people are so rude. Seriously they are gorgeous eyes, wether he had a patch because of a missing eye he would still be smokin hot.

I will say the RP Life board is not the same without us. Im seeing a notable difference in the amount of comments and proper crassness being observed. It is disappointing, but my ladies kick it up a notch and I am proud as all hell.

Welcome back Tess, Brooke, Lynn...I swear like a whore on the street who just got slapped by a John. I am trying to keep it under control but when you work in cancer people just piss you off and I find myself using the F-word much more than should be allowed in a day, I meet my quota by noon.

Off to drop the hub by work. See you later.

cherifire said...

Lynn, Tess, Brooke--re: RPs eyes @ of you (Lynn, I think) said in a post "Rumors=Hate." I thought it was a perfect response. I just went back to RPL and, correct me if I'm wrong, but all those posts have been removed. Are they still censoring?

My daughter & I are window shopping for her 8th gr graduation dress. Tough choices out there! I told her nothing too "hoochee mama," but that might be wishful thinking. Good luck, Lynn!

Brooke-a new photo coming soon to your favorite blog-promise!

Lynn said...

Alrighty! Now, I am about to start throwing the F-bomb (duck, duck!).

Cheri-thank you so much for pointing out my "words of reason" post about rumors=hate. I had no idea that they were deleting comments at will and I am more then a little upset with this sudden wave of Big Brother.

Excuse me, but it makes me really fucking upset to even have to fathom that my attempts to remain neutral and fan the rumor flames is going out the window. I guess happy, happy, joy, joy is all they want see!

Dani---thanks for your empathy and snarky words of wisdom! Please, feel free to vent and use the f-bomb---many times it's liberating!

Off to work!

cherifire said...

FYI-Pattinson Online just announced that on 10/21 Spike TV will be hosting the 2008 Scream Awards and will show a new trailer for Twilight with extra vampire-fight scenes.

Go ahead, Lynn, throw those F-bombs, we're all big girls...

Lynn said...

Cheri--thanks for the heads up! I will have to set the DVR. I love Spike TV's interview with Rob, that was done during the filming of Twilight. He was still in his Edward make-up (looking truly glorious) and had that yummy flannel on. Okay, I won't go on, but, it's the best.

Thanks for the comment!

babbles said...

As sad as it is, Pattinson Life cannot "Big Brother" sensor every freakin thread, This is the Internet and the site has become very popular and Fans are opinionated, And although I hate the Rumors and needless banter on that damn Model chick (w/a not so cute profile) Honestly I dont understand what makes a model these days... Anyway, back on - It will get out of control to the point where they will need to turn Comments off. Just sayin, Let the thread go, because they are shooting themselves in the foot. Sorry to have to side against it at this point, I understood at first but with the new wave of commenters on the site I dont really see them controlling the situation with removing comments... And it seems to really piss people off too...
Anyway, enough of that...

Lynn said...

Brooke---saw your comment on the Nikki/Rob thread and I was LOL.

I'm sure that once Pattinson Life gets about another 350 comments of Anne/Brazilian bf/Anne's BFF/Rob dating alien amazon women, that they will have another fit, stomp around and delete.

Big Brother at it's best.

You're right---let's move on.

Dani said...

Brooke- Here we go again! Holy hell, does it matter who this guy dates. I know when he finds someone special that we no doubt will all give an audible "sigh" and wish that he was climbing up us instead of some gorgeous model, or actress or even a normal human being of average beauty, for the love of GOD he will date. This gets out of hand so quickly, love that Gozde said "KOLers part deux" killing me over here.

Lynn....can we talk about the love of flannel? Seriously I have seen that one shirt circulate so much, he does make flannel hot again, lumberjacks around the nation are rejoicing that their wardrobe of choice is again at the top of the food chain thanks to Rob.

On topic Rob again, I saw one of his earlier modeling pictures and he is SOOOOOO young and without his shirt with his hands behind his head and arms up and he is HAIRY even at that age armpits, no chest hair yet but I felt a little weird looking at it. It was very pre-pubesant. if you haven't seen let me know I will put the link up. Its gong to make you feel weird and not in the life affirming way Rob usually makes you feel when he doesn't have a lot of clothes on.

babbles said...

Dani - Oh my Holy Hell you crack me up - I have seen that pic - The hair stickin straight out of his pits, Is that the one you mean... Ya he wasnt doing anything for me in his younger years - Its the man Rob that I am Lovin... No kiddie porn for me...
As soon as he sported an evening shadow all was over - I love that scruffy man.. Yum!

cherifire said...

Dani-I saw it. Did make me feel a little voyeuristic, he was so young.

I just left a post at RPL on the model-thread. It was getting hot. Wonder if it will tempt those little girls to use the F-bomb? :)

Entertainment Weekly posted a review of all the songs on the CD, with band photos. I'm chompin' at the bit to get mine.,,20234282,00.html

Dani said...

Im super excited to hear it. Perry Ferrell's song especially, love me some Jane's Addiction. Oh and of course Rob's song his voice is sultry and makes me wanna be a little voyeuristic myself. You find pics of me running naked somewhere, you will know why. Oh and you and the nation are welcome should that happen. Someone said the Lullaby was leaked somewhere on the net, I haven't searched for it. I am patiently waiting.

The thread on the other board is getting snarky again. I wonder what Michelle thinks of all that. Censorship is going to begin again Im sure. So glad we have this place for our wrap sessions.

Love Love Love ya'll got to get to the OB for my yearly. Ahhhh not exciting. Fast food afterwards, its like my tradition now.

Jewels64 said...

Gurlz...Ya'll are too fuckin' funny. There Big Word... Big Girl!

It's so nice just to be bitchy in a way that reminds me all to much of the gals in SATC!

We'll have to have an online martini chat and watch the for the funniest shit to come out from all of us.

Yeah, just read some of the posts about Rob and Nikki and they just aren't as flambouyant, witty, urbane, or flat out funny like we are! Love talking to ya'll!

Will catch up soon later, must go get E.J. from school. He's my 6 year old. Who thinks and acts like me. Boy are we gonna fight when he grows up....

Ciao Bellas!

Lynn said...

Gurlz---I will be posting another blog today---as Twilight nears, I am inspired!

Dani---((YOU)) are so getting in my brain, my blog will have something to do with flannels. Perry Farrell is one of my all time favorites, I was a huge Janes Addiction and moshpit queen back in the day.

Dani said... fave video is Been Caught Stealing, so funny, pineapple up your dress ma'am?

Hobo-Rob is on he scene again, Im loving it. I am obsessive about clean clothes, I wash my clothes way too often. When I go out to a club afterwards I REEK of smoke and booze even though you can't smoke in the clubs in Portland either. I want to see Rob smoking, even though I am totally anti-smoking, I think it would be incredibly sexy ala- Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, that was hot. I want many Basic Instinct moments with Rob. We should get the word out.

Side note- this winter I am looking for some flannel to supplement my wardrobe and I will take lots of photos and send them to all of you. I also want to say I weigh 10 pounds less than before I started to have my baby found that out at the doc today...AND I ROCK!!!

Jewels64 said...

Congrats Dani! That is so awesome.

Ladies, I just keep thinking that if they definately start to film New Moon in Portland, we TWIMILFS just may have to take a vacation and have us some everlovin Rob time! Could give those vicious Twilight Mom bitches a run for their money!

Lynn said...

Dani--I just posted to Godze on the Pattinson Life blog that California bars and restaurants have a strict no-smoking policy, so, Rob's delicious smell is more or likely just him and whatever cologne he wears.

I also want to see him smoking, it's just the voyeur in all of us to want him be the bad boy that he is! ***getting light headed***

I love the artsy shots of Rob looking like John Lennon with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Hot, hot, hot!

Lynn said...

Dani---I almost forgot! Congrats on your baby weight loss (and then some). I recently lost 35 lbs and it has completly changed my life. I just bought some DKNY jeans yesterday and they're a size 8! There is a reason why they're Oprah's favorite brand.

BTW, the Jane's video is the best!

Lynn said...

Jules---I will so have to go to Portland, in fact, I will go, dammit!

Yes, we will give those TwiMoms a run for their money! Remember, we just need our best boob shirts, promises of alcohol and the stalker's handbook to lure Rob away for a while. Okay, I'm kidding about the handbook, but, the rest is true.

I hate to be catty and elitist, because, the TwiMoms do get some great pics and are willing to share. But, we definitely have a one up in the looker department.

(DUCKING)---as instant karma comes after me!

Dani said...

Jewels you are more than welcome to invade Portland, it is awesome, and I have a list of all the locations they filmed at. NEATO!!!

And those damn TWIMOMS killing me, I read a blog from the one who GAVE HER BABY TO A PA to pass around the set and she said Rob smoked like 3 cigs in a row right in front of her. CRAZY BITCHES...seriously, they get some awesome pics but they are stalkers. Anywho she said Rob was concerned about finding an apartment and a car in LA and was hoping maybe VOLVO would just give him one, there were like 5 used on set. Also he thought Portland was beautiful (thanks Rob) but he was a little tired of it and ready to get back to LA. Oh and his eyes were bothering him from the contacts, and that is all I remember. The TWIBITCH said she wasn't going to say anything else they talked about to protect his privacy. YOU TWIWHORE!!! Seriously, stalking the set day after day and then handing your 3 mo old baby over to some stranger to take around the set, coming from miles away and you are now concerned about his privacy...hmmm Im concerned about her mental health.

We can bring my kid he walks now and we'll just throw some candy onto the set and let him go, see what shenanigans he gets into.

Sorry anything you add to TWI makes a good insult for some reason.

Dani said...

Lynn babe you are welcome too. Drinks on me! Or on Rob or with Rob and then on Rob or with and on and with and on Rob. Hmmmmmm mind going crazy thinking about Rob smelling of Ale or vodka....YUM!

I dated this Russian guy who smelled and tasted of Vodka all the time. I of course insisted I drive us everywhere but humina humina he was tasty. I used to be able to swear in Russian, too bad I can't anymore those TWIMOMS should be shut down in every language. Elitist, crazy, nothing better to do than stalk obsessively and then be rude and stingy.

Lynn said...

Dani---TwiWhores---love it! Yeah, I read all those articles about the TwiMoms and their stalker work and it was more then a little disturbing. Some people are just completely clueless.

I mean, a) Why would you bring a baby to a set, if, not to pimp it out for some pictures? b) Why would you put your child's health in jeopardy by hanging with a person that is smoking?

I saw the pic of Rob jokingly trying to bite that particular baby's head and he said later that he was disturbed by the mother's brash behavior. Nikki Reed is also pictured holding the baby and she seems really motherly and sweet.

All in all, the TwiMoms are gamey looking bunch (again, the judgement), we can take 'em on!

Tess said...

Loving the TWIWHORE comment.

Michelle did tell me the other day (before I sent out the email, sorry didn't have your emails dani/cher that they decided to go through and remove all posts which didn't directly pertain to Rob. No penance involved, just keeping it even keeled.

It's been down right blah in the RPL since the great comment delay scenario.

Pictures are always good, but the comments make them fun to look at.

Jewels64 said...

I am McLovin the TWIWHORES comment!

WE can accomplish anything we put our minds to because we are smart, we are sexy and we are totally devious!

ROADTRIP!!! We could make the most hilarious viral vids ever! I bet we could be so damn irresistable and funny that even Rob or Kellan wouldn't be able to resist getting in on the action!

But do we share them just to show those TWIWHORES up? UUHHHHHH....


Lynn said...

Jules---I am so deliriously tired that I am picturing a tour bus and a group of slightly more mature women dancing around Rob, chanting, "deflower, deflower, deflower"---seen Almost Famous way too many times.